Winter Surfing in the Azores

by Rob B
(Ontario Canada)

praia de santa barbara azores surfing

praia de santa barbara azores surfing

In December 2010 I visited Praia de Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara Beach) in Sao Miguel for the first time. There were a number of people enjoying the great surfing. It sure was fun to watch. A few surfers I have chatted with say the Azores is a great spot to surf, especially in the winter with the larger Atlantic swells coming from the North.

Right now I am in North America, waiting for a Blizzard to hit. The snow can be fun, but right now I'd rather be walking on Praia de Santa Barbara or any of these other Azores Beaches. The water is warm thanks to gulf stream, perfect for dipping your feet!

If you go to Sao Miguel Azores, be sure to check out Praia de Santa Barbara, just outside Ribeira Grande (there is also a beach right at Ribeira Grande that is worth checking out too).

All the best

Rob Belchior

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