A picture is worth a thousand words !!

by Danny Amaral
(Rumord, Rhode Island)

Photographer, Dionaldo Raposo

Photographer, Dionaldo Raposo

Here is a magnificent example of this famous phrase.
Photographer, Dionaldo Raposo's was fortunate to capture this rainbow,on the the place where my Dads .. Daniel Amaral's Plague stands on the viewpoint of the Village of the Knight of Population;(Lomba do Cavaleiro) Povoacao, which has his poem that he wrote about his villa, Lomba do Cavaleiro and the other seven that can be seen from the viewpoint .. gonna have to write in Portuguese or it won't rhyme

Poema do Poeta Daniel Amaral, Lomba do Cavaleiro,
Concelho da Povoacao, Sao Miguel-Acore's.Here is what it says on it..

Esta paisagem tao bonita, O Concelho tem seis Freguesias Povoacao propriamente dita Que sao autenticas primazias Com sua beleza natural ..Onde a Mae de Deus se encerra.. Tudo verda de Norte ao sul Com os Remedios com boa gente, A direita aquele mar azul Junto Furnus e Ribeira Quente, Mar de Goncalo Velho Cabral Agua Retorta E Faial da terra. Povoacao e um lindo Concelho Estao por de tras daquela Serra, Suas Lombas sao um espelho Ague Retorta e Faial da Terra Como sete Estrelas a Brilar .. Freguesias tanto Engracadas .. Sao Cavaleiro, Carro e Botao Com suas Eteras Belezas Lomba do Pomar e Joao Loucao Sao duas Formosas Princesas Com Alcaide e Pos a beira mar. Que estao por la Encantadas.. Tem Furnas e Ribeira Quente Um Encanto P'ra toda a gente Com jardins de tanta beleza..Com suas Fontes E Ribeiras Aguas Minerais e Caldeiras E cozidos feitos pela Natureza. AND THANK YOU DIONALDO RAPOSO SO MUCH FOR THIS PICTURE!!

Note from Rob HI Danny, thank you for posting this. I love it. Did Dionaldo Raposo give permission to use his picture? I do not want to publish it without permission

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Feb 28, 2014
Rainbow beauty
by: pat

What a beautiful picture!

Expect to see rainbows when you visit the island.

Many times I have stopped driving to get out to marvel at the beauty.

Have your camera ready.

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